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Our products have directly impacted well over 100,000 customers in 132 countries around the world and counting!

Over 127,000 lives impacted

A proven track record

This business system was developed over 10 years ago & embodies a global community of like minded men and women who are passionate about assisting individuals with the teachings of our proven business system and Personal Growth principles. 

"After chasing the Career Promotions & another Degree, to get that edge over other Job Seekers, I hit burnout. When I found this business everything changed - I feel on purpose, stronger & motivated. I love the products, the community & now I know the only competition is within myself. I work part time, I have full flexibility, I'm present with my family & run a successful business. What a great gift!" ~ Daymir Castillo, Germany

Daymir Castillo

I'm previously from the UK, currently living in Brisbane & prior to joining this business, I was a HR Director of a large company, and ran my own consulting firm. I was looking for time freedom, the ability to still make a difference and to replace my executive salary. This business has ticked all my boxes and a whole lot more. I certainly have the time freedom, the products have changed my life, mostly by showing me how to be comfortable in my own skin and giving me the inner peace I so longed for, the support and community were the greatest surprise and I have now replaced my executive level income & created a lifestyle that is much more enjoyable. - Julie Spring, Brisbane Australia

Julie Spring

+447341 370 386



Copyright © 2023
All rights reserved and other such important stuff.

Now Expanding Globally

Maria Tansey

HI I'M MARIA, and I am so grateful to have found this opportunity! Combining all the things I love in one business. Personal development, helping others achieve even more success in their lives, being the boss of my own business and having the level of support, which is unheard of in the entrepreneur world!

I’m from the UK and live in Manchester, having previously worked in Dubai for nine years, running a coaching and therapy business. I used to say that my perfect job would be one that allowed me to travel the world. I have already travelled to more than 50 countries and still have so many new places that I want to visit, including Panama which is next on my list!

This photo was taken in Kiruna, in the North of Sweden, as I was about to go husky sledding! I had originally planned to see the Northern Lights, however, there was no visibility during my it is back on my list, to visit again!! This is how I love to run my business!

I have a passion for experiential wellness and personal development, and had a clinic in Dubai offering different therapeutic techniques including VR (Virtual Reality) therapy to overcome fears and phobias!

I had just completed the Dubai Marathon! I have also completed the London, Chicago and Edinburgh marathons, as well as five half marathons! I don't actually enjoy running, although I love having a goal to work towards as it helps to keep me focused on my health and fitness!

"WHERE THERE IS NO STRUGGLE, THERE IS NO STRENGTH” I built a successful coaching business in Dubai and helped hundreds of clients turn their lives around. I am very proud and grateful for the experience and achievements I gained, however, it wasn’t practical for the life I wanted to live. My clients were face to face, which meant that when I went home to visit family, or took time off to travel, I couldn’t run my business, and I had virtually no support as an entrepreneur. I wasn’t ‘travelling’, I was basically stuck in one place, away from my friends and family! The constant stress and worry about securing enough money to pay my bills and cover the high costs of renting an office, felt like an ongoing struggle and, although my earnings were good, my outgoings were also significant!

SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE, AND IT’S PROBABLY ME” Something needed to change in my life, and I really wanted the flexibility to be closer to my family to care for my mother. As well as have the freedom to visit all the amazing destinations, which were growing on my list! This just wasn’t possible with my previous business, and I knew that after seven years of being the boss, I would also not enjoy going back into a corporate environment again.

“LIFE DOESN’T GET BETTER BY CHANCE, IT GETS BETTER BY CHANGE” When I moved back to the UK, I found this business through a couple of former colleagues and friends who had a similar path to mine. I had watched them enjoy travelling and spending time with family and friends, and I thought, when would now be a good time to, find out about this incredible business that allows so much freedom as well as the financial rewards! Since joining the company, I haven’t looked back, and I have been blown away by the incredible support from the teams not just here in the UK but all over the world!

“IT'S NEVER TOO LATE OR TOO SOON, IT’S WHEN IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE” If you’ve ever considered running your own business but didn’t know how to get started, and, you want to enjoy the freedom of a balanced lifestyle. Without killing yourself with loads of hours, coupled with, incredible support from our community. And the best thing...being your own boss - you might just find that, this is a great opportunity for you too!

Maria Tansey

Let's first hear from Rachel - Company Co-Owner

"It’s hard to put in just a few words what this business has done for my family and me since joining. The products have changed us all and how we live our life. I am a better mom, wife, and person. I stopped smoking and found my badass self which was lost for many years. I love this business and everything about it". - Maital David Katar , Portugal

Maital David Katar 

I came to this business solely for the income opportunity. Leaving a successful leadership career in the UK restaurant trade, I’d started my own coaching practice but was still trading time for money and I knew I had to find a way to work smarter not harder. What I hadn’t counted on was the opportunity to join an amazing & supportive community, the personal growth journey I would be on, and the opportunity to help others achieve their potential. The income is a bonus! - Tania Brint, UK

Tania Brint